1099 G Information (All States)

Frequently clients don’t bring us the 1099Gs for the state refunds and we are held up waiting to get the EINs and addresses that would appear on the 1099Gs. Here is the list of necessary information for all of the states’ 1099G.

Alabama    #63-6000619   Alabama Department of Revenue, 50 Ripley Street, Mongomery, AL 36132-7410

Arizona      #86-6004791  Arizona Dept of Revenue 1600 W Monroe Phoenix Az 85007

Arkansas   #71-6006690  PO BOX 2981, LITTLE ROCK, AR 72203-2981

California – for inc tax refunds:  #68-0204061  Franchise Tax Board,  PO Box 942840,  Sacramento, CA  94240-0010

California – for unemployment:  #94-2650401  Employment Development Department,

Unemployment Insurance Integrity and Accounting Division MIC 16A, PO Box 2408 Rancho Cordova, CA  95741-2408

California – Info for both the state refund and unemployment is available through the client’s account at http://www.ftb.ca.gov/

Colorado   #84-0644739  Colorado Department of Revenue, Denver CO 80261-0005   http://www.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite/Revenue/REVX/1176842266433

Connecticut –  (CT does NOT mail)  What’s My 2013 1099-G Amount?  updated link that allows simply to enter SSN without registering: http://www.ct.gov/drs/cwp/view.asp?a=1433&q=493900

Delaware –    #51-6000279  State of Delaware, P O Box 8763, Wilmington, DE 19899

Georgia –  58-6002015 -Georgia Dept. of Revenue, 1800 Century Center Blvd., Atlanta, GA 30345

Hawaii –  # 99-0277227   State of Hawaii, Department of Taxation, PO BOX 259, Honolulu, HI 96809-0259

Idaho   #82-0418478   Idaho State Tax Commission  PO Box 36  Boise  ID  83722-0410

Illinois    http://tax.illinois.gov/#t=tab1&panel1-1

        For Illinois inc tax retunds –  #37-6002057.  P.O. Box 19044, Springfield, IL  62794-9044

        For Illinois Department of Employment Security – #36-3042127.  P.O. Box 802551, Chicago, IL  60680-2551


Iowa     # 42-6004574   Iowa Department of Revenue, Compliance Services – Individual,  PO Box 10456, Des Moines, IA 50306-0456

Kansas   #48-1124839   Kansas Department of Revenue, Robert Docking State Office Building,915 SW Harrison Street, Topeka, KS 66612

Kansas City, MO –  #44-6000201   The City of Kansas City, MO,  414 East 12th Street,  Kansas City, MO 64106

Kentucky –  #61-0600439   Kentucky Department of Revenue

Louisiana –   #72-6000805;  LA Dept of Revenue, P O Box 3440, Baton Rouge LA 70821


Maryland – # 52-6002033  State of Maryland, Comptroller of Maryland, 110 Carroll Street, Annapolis, MD  21411-0001

Massachusetts   MassDOR  #04-6002284   same # for MassDUA   http://www.mass.gov/dor/

Michigan –   #38-6000134   Michigan Dept of Treas,  PO Box 30757   Lansing, MI  48909

Minnesota   Minnesota  #9000001,  Mn. Revenue, 658 Cedar St., St. Paul, Mn. 55155,    Fed ID:  #41-6007162

Mississippi   –  MS Dept of Revenue = 64-6000832 ,  MS Dept of Employment Security = 64-6000765

Missouri   #43-1283723   Missouri Department of Revenue,  P O Box 2200,  Jefferson City, MO 65105


Nebraska  For income taxes – #47-0491233   State of Nebraska, Department of Revenue, P.O. Box 94818, Lincoln, NE 68509-4818

For Unemployment – #36-3045902  Nebraska Department of Labor, 550 South Sixteenth Street, P.O. Box 94600, Lincoln, NE 68509-4600

New Hampshire

New Jersey –  #21-6000928  State of New Jersey, Division of Taxation, P O Box 019, Trenton, NJ 08695-0019  https://www1.state.nj.us/TYTR_Saver/jsp/TGI_1099/NJ1099Login.jsp  ///

New Jersey –  #22-2488181  New Jersey Department of Labor, Unemployment Insurance, P O Box 916, Trenton NJ  08625-0916

New Mexico

New York –  (NY does not mail 1099G)  available online at:  https://www8.tax.ny.gov/PIGI/pigiHome

refunds:  #14-6013200, New York State Dept. of Taxation and Finance,  WA Harriman Campus, Albany, NY 12227

unemployment:  #27-0293117, NYS Dept. of Labor, Payment Unit, Bldg 12, POB 621, Albany, NY 12201

North Carolina –  #56-1611838   NC Dept of Revenue,  PO Box 25000,  Raleigh NC 27640

North Dakota –   #45-0309764   State of North Dakota  600 E Boulevard Ave  Bismark  ND  58505-0599

Ohio –  # 31-6402047  State of Ohio, Department of Taxation, PO BOX 2476 , COLUMBUS, OH 43216-2476

Oklahoma –  # 73-6017987

Oregon –  # 93-6001960

Pennsylvania – # 23-6003112   State of Pennsylvania, P O Box 280508, Harrisburg, PA 17128-0508. 1099Gs no longer mailed, avail online:  http://www.revenue.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/1099-g_information___access/20636, 

Rhode Island –  #05-6000522   State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Division of Taxation, One Capital Hill, Providence RI  02908-5800

South Carolina   #45-3695561   State of South Carolina, Dept of Revenue, PO Box 125,  Columbia, SC  29214


Texas    #74-2764775,  Texas Workforce Commission, 101 E 15th Street,  Austin, TX 78778-0001

Utah  –  # 87-6000545

Vermont (as provided by a Guest):  EIN 03-0350860 ,  133 State Street, Montpelier, VT  05633

Virginia  For tax refunds:  #54-6001734  Department of Taxation, PO Box 1115,  Richmond, VA 23218-1115

Virginia  For unemployment comp: #54-6001795   Commonwealth of Virginia, Virginia Employment Commission, PO Box 2249, Richmond, VA 23218-2249

West Virginia –  # 55-6000816,  WV State Tax Dept,  P OBox 2389,  Charleston WV 25328

Wisconsin  #39-6006491  1099G available online at: http://www.dor.state.wi.us/eserv/Form1099G/index.html